The General Medical Council (GMC) promotes and protects the health of the public by maintaining standards in medicine. The GMC produce guidance on Maintaining Good Medical Practice, and includes the following sections:


Stumog icon   Keeping  up  to  datePicture 01 Stumog

The GMC requires doctors to regularly update knowledge and skill levels in line with current standards / guidelines. There are certain benchmarks set for doctors to achieve every year in order to comply with regulations.  I regularly attend meetings, symposia and conferences to keep abreast with the latest in my speciality. I am registered with the Royal College of Physicians CPD (Continuing Professional Development) scheme and comply fully with the CPD requirements.


Stumog icon   Maintaining  Performance

I am an experienced and highly skilled endoscopist. My caecal intubation rate, a well established quality indicator for colonoscopy, is over 95% and my complication rate is less than 1 in 1000 procedures. Our unit has many ongoing audits to ensure we meet nationally agreed standards of care. We regularly participate in various national audits.

I lead the Colonoscopy audit for Aneurin Bevan Health Board and present the audit data regarding all the colonoscopists within the Health board at the Combined Endoscopy Group meeting. The audit focuses on procedure completion rates, use of sedation/anaesthesia, Polypectomy rates, Patient Comfort Scores and Complication rates.

I lead the IBD audit for the Health Board and am involved in the IBDQIP audit which is a nationwide project to look at IBD patient management and suggest ways of streamlining and improving care for the patients.

Stumog icon   Teaching  &  Training

Picture 02 Stumog

I am the Training Programme Director for all the gastroenterology trainees in Wales. I alongwith my colleagues am responsible for recruitment, post allocation, supervision of the gastroenterology trainees. I am an External assessor for trainees in other regions, assessing their training and certifying their entry into the Specialist Register.

I am a designated 'Honorary Teacher' for medical students from Cardiff Medical School.  I am Educational supervisor for Trainee doctors, ST 1 and 2 doctors as well as Specialist Registrars. I am a faculty member at WIMAT centre for Colonoscopy training course for Gastroenterology trainee doctors. I am an examiner(PACES exam) for the Royal College of Physicians. We hold the exam at the Royal Gwent Hospital annually. I am also a member of the 'Question Writing Group' for the Gastroenterology Exit exam for Gastroenterology trainees which is held by the Royal College of Physicians in many countries around the world.